today i woke up at 7:11, ate the rest of the rice pilaf and peas i made last night, got a coke, lined up all my shoes [by color, obviously], did three loads of laundry [including one for my mom, to prove i'm not the worst daughter in the world], went to the mall with jenn and matt, got all-black vans [with black soles, to match my heart] [that was a joke, except the part about the blackened heart was serious] [no, jk, the part about the shoes was serious], tried to play ddr but discovered that academy lanes has forsaken its ddr machine and replaced it with a lot of games with guns, all of which, it turns out, i am pretty good at, created a 'zone of serenity' [the marketing department's phrase, not mine] in the kitchen, my car, and my room with bamboo incense, discovered that it is quite difficult to saw through actual bamboo, particularly when one attempts to do so whilst holding the bamboo in one hand and the mitre saw in another and using one's knee as a surface upon which to cut [i gave up before the bleeding started.. an injury was probably inevitable if i had tried to keep going], made a lot of piles but little actual progress, thought about my new darkroom and how fantastic it's going to be, read some more of frank mccourt's new book [thoroughly enjoyable], hung out with my mom and brother for an hour or so and had a lovely conversation about school and life and endtimes and the mayan calendar, etc., took an incredible bath, remembered how wonderful brazil nut body butter is, fixed my eyebrows, got a gray hoodie [the only color i was missing, i think; the only color that matters, anyway], thought about how excited i am about going to london, thought about how sad i am that he's not coming, ordered some forceps, and wrote about it all in my wicked cool blog. now, it's 10:00, and that seems to be my new bedtime. pete bouchard says it's going to snow tonight and tomorrow. i fucking hate snow. also, i don't actually know why i'm still at my mom's, but it's nice to be somewhere where people actually like having me around. morrissey has been getting his ass kicked, though, because my mom's cat is either (a) fucking insane, (b) jealous of the fact that morrissey gets more attention than he does, (c) bored, or (d) some combination thereof.
2006 seems alright so far. it's not my new year, but i'll go along with it.