nous sommes les morts



one more thing before i go

[side note: apologies for all the typos, but the edit window is not appearing in my browser properly and some characters don't show up as i type thjem, others show up twice,.it's a huge mess, and i don't care anymore .. i'm not drunk or anything]

the thing about all this spiritual/metaphysical stuff, and i don't really knnow how to say this without sounding conceited,but that's so not how i mean for it to come across, is that i could really be a good resource for anyone who was interested in learning more about it.. i have a lot of knowledge (some inherent, some learned) about things like energy manipulation and emotional/spiritual healing [i.e. aromatheraphy, crystals, herbs,etc] ... there are a lot of things that i just seem to 'know' or understand on somne cowhole other level; things sometimes just occur to me, seemingly out of nowhere, and it's like.. i don't know. i just know them to be true, or right, or whatever ... but this is all the stuff i never talk about, because it's the stuff that makes people think i'm totally loopy ...and i have absolutely no interest in 'proving myself' ' to anyone as far as this shit is concerned, because for me, it's a fact of life. it's my reality, period, point blank, end of story.. but it's not everybody's; a lot of people are firmly indoctrinated to the 'materialist-reductionist' view, which sees reality as something that exists in the physical world, as opposed to something that occurs in our consciousness ... it's basically what most of us have been taught to believe, but .. fuck, man, it's so shitty to limit ourselves like that.... i mean.... if you define a set of physical boundaries for 'reality', you're always going to be limited in what you see oand feel and accomplish and experience .... but the truth is, there are no limits beyond those that any of us impose on ourselves. none. none, whatsoever...... imagine the possibilities! .... but hardly anybody does ... and not only is that a shame, because they're missing out on so much.. it makes things pretty fucking dull for people like me who don't want to be confined to talking about or experiencing things on just one level ... there are a lot more than just three dimensions,.. there are 10, 11, or 12 dimensions in total,depending on who you ask... how ridiculous, to limit ourselves to just three.. .. some people are simply incapable of experiencing anything on a higher level ,at least until they resolve the issues/karma/lessons/etc. they're dealing with .. it really is all just a game, you know... and as anyone who spent the better part of their childhood with a nintendo controller in their hand is well aware, any game with progressive levels requires you to defeat some boss or other at the end of each in order to level up, unless you use the whistle or find a warp zone or have a game genie or whatever.... well, ultimately, as much as i'm sure we'd all like to think that it's infinitely more complex and significant and meaningful than super mario 3 or whatever, 'real life' works the exact same way

i've said too much


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