nous sommes les morts





"[...] They perceive that it is all a game, a contrived situation, and they no longer want to play the game. They feel like they have seen it all, so what is there left to live for? The material pursuits of Young souls seem quite futile to them, so what is there to get interested in? Even the Mature soul's excitement about newfound truth seems passé to Old souls. This ennui can severely limit an Old soul's happiness and well-being, and be a source of misunderstanding for younger souls who are enjoying life. Whether he understands it consciously or not in terms of reincarnation, the Old soul simply wants to graduate from the physical plane, and go on to new and better things in the higher planes. [...]"

'm not really big on talking about 'spirituality' and shit, but not because i don't think it's important.. and not even because i can't or won't discuss my views and beliefs.. it's just such a personal and subjective thing.. there's so muchroom for misinterpretation... it's a conversational minefield, at least potentially, especially if someone insists on bringing stupid 'religion' into it.... ugh. don't get me started. anyway, my feelings about this sort of thing are constantly evolving. i don't have 'beliefs' so much as 'working hypotheses', and i would never claim that any of them are the "right"/"true" /"only" way; only that they're right for me, and that's all i'm really concerned with. everyone else can go jump in a river, or wear headscarves, or get business degrees, or whatever; i could give a shit, as long as they don't get all big-headed and self-righteous and holier-than-thou and start blowing up [physically or psychologically] anybody who doesn't worship whatever they worship,or offering 'salvation', or asking for money.. those people can go fuck themselves, and then they can feel guilty about it.. at least until their next confession...

anyway. that article ithat excerpt came from is about old souls [duh] ... alll my life, people [unusual ones, mostly] have told me -- usually in a very offhand, matter-of-fact way -- that i'm an 'old soul', and i generally regarded the phrase as just an expression, regardless of how it wasi inteended... a few years ago, however, the bad taste that 15 years of catholocism had left in my mouth finally started to subside, and i became more open-minded about spirituality [before that, i refused to differentiate between religious beliefs and spiritual ones, and i regarded them both with equal contempt), and i looked up some stuff about souls and soulmates and soul groups and soul ages... it makes for interesting reading.., if nothing else, but i actually got a lot out of it.. another reason id don't really talk about it much, though,is because i'm afraid people will think i'm crazy, or laugh in my face, when to be honest, it's something i take pretty seriously, and spend a lot of time i'll just end this here, for now, and leave you to draw your own conclusions. [similar to the site the aforementioned article came from]


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