on the off chance that anyone reading this actually gives a shit,here are a few ways to commemorate/celebrate mabon/the autumnal equinox... notice that none of them have anything to do with altars or covens or pentagrams or bonfires or magickal spells, because there's so much more to it than that shit... sucks when that shit is all people seem to see,though, because they never seem to realize that you can take away all that "witch-y" stuff and still be left with a perfectly lovely and festive holiday....c'est la vie. it's their loss.
now....just in case:
- be thankful and appreciative for everything you have
- hang around outside, maybe throw some bread or seeds to the birds and/or woodland creatures and/or homeless people and/or rodents
- take some time to remember and pay tribiute [even if its just a silent,internal tribute] to anyone you care about who's dead
- bake something autumn-y and delicious, i.e. apple cake or sweet potato casserole, and share it with anyone you care about who isn't dead
- contemplate the cyclical nature of the universe and think of some things you could do to improve or maintain balance in yr life
...that's all i got for now
well,no it's not..but i'm sick of typing,and sick of being inside
happy fall.... blessed be
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