nous sommes les morts




i am definitely psychic

this same sort of thing happened to me one day in london, and a copuple more times since then... andi always thought it a bit odd, and made some joking remark about my psychic abilities... but now it's happened again, and i'm convinced that there's more to it han mere coincidence.

earlier tonight, i was sitting here reading morrissey interviews from the eaarly 80's and extracting what i considered to be ihis best quotes and compiling them into a blog entry ..[wwhat... isn't that how all the cool kids spend their saturday nights?] ... anyway, in one of the interviews, he's discussing andy warhol ["a depressing waste of time"] and.. oh, here, i'll just copy and paste it:

Why use Joe Dallesandro out of Andy Warhol's Flesh for the album sleeve?
Well, I feel a twinge of sadness about that. Up till then everything had an icy Britishness to it, then I succumbed to the whole Warhol thing - like those modernites who crave the Factory thing and everything from late Sixties New York which surely was a depressing waste of time.
Valerie Solanas thought so, she tried to assassinate Andy Warhol.
Yes, he made a misogynistic comment and she took umbrage, loaded her pistol and aimed it at Andy's delicate little brain.
Do you admire that in a woman?
I do because then she wrote a book about it, which was quite rivetting. I mean how obstreperous can you get? Shooting Andy Warhol, then going straight home, getting out the typewriter: Why I Shot Andy Warhol by Agnes Gooch. It's captivating..

after reading that, i opened a new browser window and went off on a warhol/factory google tangent for a little while,... at one point, i rewas reading the imdb page for 'i shot andy warhol', which i have never seen.. and now, several hours later, i'm flipping through the viewing guide.. and guess what movie is on cinemax?

'i shot andy warhol'.

i don't have cinemax, so i can't watch it.
but it's on, nonetheless, and i had absolutely no idea that it would be. i had no way of knowing. i didn't look ahead in the listings; there's no way i could have even flipped through and seen it really quickly and absorbed it in my subconscious or anything like that ... and it isn't like i thought of it entirely out of the blue; it's only because i was read ing that interview.. and it's not as if i knew it was going to be on; it's not that kind of 'psychicness' .. it's more like.. i don't know.. kind of synchronicitious, i guess..? lithe first time it happened, i was texting will to tell him i couldn't hardly wait for him to get to london, which reminded me of the movie "can't hardly wait", which turned out to be on television later that day (or maybe the next day.. shortly thereafter, either way) ... incidentally, it was also on a channel that i didn't actually get, and i only knew because i saw it in the listings ...

anyway ... for what it's worth.


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