nous sommes les morts




funny how the closer something gets, the harder it is to wait for it ... i remember when i first found out will was coming to visit, and i thought, "oh, well three weeks isn't too bad; it will go by fast," and it has.. faster than i thought it would, really ... but now, it's 1:15 in the afternoon and he should be getting on a plane right about now because i'm supposed to meet him at heathrow tonight, in about seven hours, and every minute feels like a fucking day and a half.. i've been up since 8, as seems to be the trend lately, and i'm trying to keep myself occupied, but every time i look at my phone to check the time it's about three hours earlier than i feel like it should be, and it's driving me fucking craaaaazy.. or mad, if you prefer. seriously, i'm tempted to go home, take a shower, get on a bus, and ride around the city for a few hours just to kill time .. or, perhaps, to get on the tube and spend the remainder of the afternoon hanging out in an airport bar at heathrow with a bottle of wine and a pack of cigarettes, watching the "arrivals" screen until his flight shows up on it.. ahghhhhghghhhh blerahgh..honestly,i just don't know what to do with myself.. etre et avoir, which is one of my favorite movies, is playing at the french cinema in south kensington, but i've decided not to go because i am far too fidgety and antsy and excited to sit calmly in a theatre for two hours ... i did just buy some period pain medication with codeine in it at boots (triple advantage points weekend!!), so maybe i'll go take, like, four of those and have a drink or something.. though with my luck that will just make time go by even more slowly.. but maybe i won't care as much..?

interesting hypothesis.

guess i'll let you know.


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